Building Value In & Preparing Your Business for Sale

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Name: Building Value In & Preparing Your Business for Sale
Date: March 4, 2025
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
This educational presentation provided by Leonard LaPorta, Managing Director at Pickwick Capital Partners, will shine light on the preparation and corporate decisions that ultimately imapact value "prior" to when the decision is reached to place a For Sale sign on the business. Each participant can customize an approach to look at their respective companies and make choices on how to prepare and ensure their company is operating on 'all cylinders' to help maximize potential outlier valuations. 

Please note that in helping promote the webinar series and approving the content of the webinar as educational in nature, the SMA cannot specifically endorse the programs being discussed.
This educational webinar is being offered via zoom. All participants who are registered will receive a link to join the day prior to the webinar. 
Date/Time Information:
March 4, 2025 
No cost 
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