SMArt 4th Annual Cornhole Tournament

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Name: SMArt 4th Annual Cornhole Tournament
Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Join us for food, networking and cornhole! You don't have to play to attend, but please let us know if you will be playing for team formations. 

Teams will be autogenerated as this is a networking event. 

Registration starts at 4:30 PM, games begin 5:30 sharp. 

Clocktown Brewery 
135 S. Main St #3
Thomaston, CT 06787
Date/Time Information:
September 18, 2024 
$20 per player, includes 2 beer tickets and unlimited pizza. Prizes go to the top 2 teams. 

Sponsorship Opportunities are available!
$350 Board Sponsor includes 2 players and a company banner
$150 Drink Sponsor includes company table top display
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